In an effort to support our lighting community and promote solidarity, Lightscape Training Institute, in partnership with Visions in Color, presents Open Source, a 2,000 square foot learning lab in Los Angeles.

About Open Source

The goal of the space is to bring the lighting community together, provide training and access to new technology, and support each other during the strike and the coming changes to our industry. 

Open Source is a 2,000 square foot Learning Lab, outfitted with: 

  • Lighting Fixtures

  • Lighting Consoles

  • Media Servers

  • Video Wall

  • Data Distribution 

  • Image Based Lighting (IBL)

We offer FREE classes in: 

  • Drafting

  • DMX and Data Networking

  • Console Programming

  • Media Server

  • Video Wall

  • Car Process

  • Color Science

  • ETCP Topics

  • Programmer's LAB

  • Vendor & Manufacturer Mixers 

  • and much more!

OPEN SOURCE is located at:

8655 Tamarack Ave., Sun Valley, CA 91352

Lightscape’s Open Source is proud to host free training for our brothers and sisters in IATSE Local 728 during this difficult time in our industry.

Do you have questions, want to find out more, or learn how you can contribute?

Join our mailing list below or email

"May you live in interesting times" is an English expression actually based on a Chinese curse. Well, we certainly are experiencing interesting times in the film business. The best way to prepare for potential changes to our industry is to engage in training, embrace the process of learning advanced technologies, and support each other along the way.

In addition to offering classes, we also encourage the lighting community to contribute to our collective knowledge base. Open Source is a space for collaboration, dialogue and shared ideas… a place where you can take a class, teach a class, hold community events… or simply hang out, play with the gear, and get some expert help.

Upcoming Classes and Seminars

(if you don't see a class you want listed here, reach out to us and we can work together to add it to the list. This is a collaborative free space that is only as strong as our community's commitment to it.)

Programmer’s Lab

Upcoming topics may include:

(The WGA Strike; Breaking into Commercials; Programming for Live Events; Programming for Music and Advanced Cueing; Pimp Your Cart; Equipment Rentals/Sales; Car Process; Electrical Calculations; Unreal Engine and the Future of Virtual Production; Color Science; Fixtures That Take a Video Signal, Home Projects Using IATSE Skills and More…)

Basic Console Training (EOS, HOG, MA, ONYX)

Advanced Console Training (EOS, HOG, MA, ONYX)

Car Process Basics

Video Wall Basics

Media Server Basics

Color Science Basics

ETCP Topics (DMX portion)

Basic DMX for SLT

Vectorworks 101-102 Beginning

Vectorworks 103-104 Intermediate

Vectorworks 105 Advanced Special Topics

Introduction to Rigging Programmer




Community • Solidarity • Support •